AWS – Compute – EBS

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EBS – Elastic Block Storage – Key Points

  • Provides persistent block storage volumes that can be attached to AWS EC2 instances.
  • EC2 instances can either be attached to an EBS volume or an instance store volume as a root device volume.
  • EBS volumes can be attached to an EC2 instance from the same availability zone.
  • You can migrate an EBS volume from one AZ to another by creating a snapshot of the volume in one AZ and then creating an EBS volume from the snapshot in another AZ.
  • Multiple EBS volumes can be attached to a single instance.
  • You cannot attach an EBS volume to multiple instances.
  • Each EBS volume is automatically replicated with in its availability zone proving high availability and durability.
  • Data is Persisted independently of the life of the EC2 instance.
  • EBS volume sizes and types (except magnetic EBS volumes) can be upgraded without restarting the instances.
  • Magnetic EBS volumes are used for more throughput than I/O
  • You cannot decrease the EBS volume size while the instance is running.
  • You can have a maximum of 5000 EBS volumes and 10000 snapshots.

EBS volume types

AWS EBS Volume Types


  • You can backup the data on your EBS volume to Amazon S3 by taking point-in-time snapshots. While EBS volumes are AZ specific, snapshots are region specific.
  • You will be charged for S3 data traffic and storage while creating snapshots.
  • Snapshots are incremental backups, which means that only the blocks on the device that have changed after your most recent snapshot are saved
  • When you delete a snapshot, only the data unique to that snapshot is removed.
  • Each snapshot contains all of the information needed to restore your data (from the moment when the snapshot was taken) to a new EBS volume.
  • You can track the status of your EBS snapshots through CloudWatch Events.
  • Snapshots can only be accessed through EC2 APIs.
  • Snapshots can be encrypted and copied to other regions. AMIs are created in other regions using the snapshot which can be used to launch an EC2 instance.
  • EBS volumes created from encrypted snapshots ate automatically encrypted and snapshots created from an encrypted EBS volume are automatically encrypted as well.
  • To encrypt an EBS volume or a snapshot you need an Encryption key which is called an Customer Managed Keys (CMK).
  • a Default CMK is created for the first time when you choose to encrypt an EBS volume.
  • EBS volumes with the default CMK cannot be shared with other AWS accounts. You need to create a new key in order to do this.
  • You can run upto 5 snapshot copy requests at a time to a single destination in one account.
  • You can copy snapshots available in Amazon Marketplace that are un encrypted. Only un-encrypted snapshots are shared on the marketplace.
  • You cannot delete the snapshot of the root volume as long as the AMI is registered. You have to unregister the AMI and then delete the snapshot

Snapshots from EBS – Example

EC2 Instances , Tags, Volumes and Snapshots
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